It makes your kingdom actually feel like YOUR kingdom and not a conglomeration of traitors attempting to take established, honorable countries.You get to make vassals that are not borrowed.With this mod, you can make your companions into vassals so your kingdom can have vassals that are, well, it’s vassals! This is huge, because otherwise you are stupidly outnumbered with no recourse except to cheese the game’s currently broken systems.
When you have your own kingdom, you have to gain vassals either by persuading other clans to join your nation, or by them choosing to, usually after their faction has been losing badly. Rulership adds a feature that needs to be added to the vanilla game.
Calvary charges actually work a little!!!!. Watching puny Imperial swords bounce off of executioner-axe wielding Palace Guards as they butcher them is now a fun possibility with this mod. Battles become more challenging, more thought-provoking, and ultimately more rewarding. Combat is more balanced than it was previously. It has a ton of other features that you can read in the mod description, but to sum it up, it completely overhauls the combat system in a smart and realistic way. It also overhauls the AI to make them much smarter with tactics, and fixes a lot of issues they have during combat. Basically, maces do better against heavy armor than a short sword would, and if you shoot an arrow from three stories up, expect it to obliterate whoever it hits. Armor begins to serve a more nuanced and powerful role in combat here, because this mod adds in several new damage types as well as basing projectile damage on the kinetic energy of it when it hits a target. It adds slow motion into a giant medieval battle simulator. Gives you the option to make the game much more cinematic with the addition of a free camera and slow motion. Allows you to have a much easier time with battle tactics. It does all this at the cost of immersion, but if you’re just looking for a more casual (and cinematic) good time, this is a must have.
It also allows you to play as one of your soldiers in case you die (which happens a lot, at least for me).
If you feel like you just don’t have enough time to set your troops up with the tactics you like, or the perspective to do so, this mod is for you. It also gives you an extensive menu to use in combat that includes slow motion, formation settings, cheats and more. RTS Camera allows you to play Bannerlord from, imagine this, the perspective of a real-time strategy game, ala Total War or Men of War.